's plenty fun to be lazy, but in the end just getting stuff done feels so much better.
The living room is done after re-arranging the wall 20 times...I'm not kidding...20 least. I'm happy now...fairly confident that it looks okay...or at least it looks they way I want it to look...whether it ACTUALLY looks good is a whole other story. Here's the before and after shots <------------------------------
We got Mac's cupcakes made for his little school birthday celebration tomorrow. Pirate stuff is organized and goody bags are made. Six pounds of ground beef are de-frosting to make the sloppy-joes we're serving at the party...of course we NEED to come up with some pirate-y sounding name for them. :)
Tomorrow is crunch day though...the page long to-do list is sitting on the kitchen table ready to be tackled...