It's getting late on Sunday night and I'm up trying to write the last of my flashcards for my Art Concepts test on Wednesday.
It was a good weekend...could have been a little more productive, but the laziness felt too good...especially late this morning in my pajamas with the fireplace on, Shamrock and Paddy sitting with me under a blanket, flipping through the TV channels and settling in to watch The Ron Clark Story which was so is any surprise though that teacher story-lines always captivate me? :)
I did make a trip out to the ribbon store to get the ribbon and sequins I need to hopefully finish up our Christmas cards sometime this week. While I was there I decided to pull down several yards of the polka dot ribbon that is my favorite to wrap gifts with so I could share it as a little Happy December surprise and a thank you since you guys have been way too nice to me with all the comments on my gift wrapping. :) I have divided it up into three post "pick me" or anything you want and I'll do the random number generator thing before I go to bed on Monday night.
Back to flashcard writing...