Most of the time rearranging, redecorating, or reorganizing is pretty much a pain, but in the end it is always the best feeling. Things are refreshed, re-purposed, and the space is just altogether happier. That was the case with this room...we have joked and called it the "guest-wrap-gym" or just the multipurpose room, but it is really nice to have figured out a way for it to be really useful on a daily basis and then also a space where friends and family can stay.
And here's my new favorite place in the more card tables for Christmas wrapping...I can't decide what my favorite part is, the cabinet that holds supplies and where I can store gifts ahead of time (you'd hate me if I said I already have picked up a few Christmas gifts this summer, right? Yeah, I'd better keep that to myself), bringing back out the ribbon holder Sean built me a few years ago, the big rolling bin from The Container Store that holds all my wrapping paper and then some, or that I have a workspace that's waist high which makes it sooo much easier to wrap stuff...
I worried for a minute (heck for the whole weekend) that this wouldn't come together and we were crazy for attempting it...but in the end it was so totally worth it. :)