Wouldn't you know just yesterday I was in our backyard thinking about how nicely everything grows now after the work Sean's put into it...and how I love the random conglomeration of plants & flowers that I've pieced together since I could never decide on an actual plan...and then this morning this happened...
We have had this super thick vine in our backyard since we moved in eight years ago...who knows how old it actually is. Ironically we had planned this winter to take it down since I'm convinced it's a rodent superhighway since I think I saw something scurry like over two years ago.
The awful Santa Ana winds this morning decided to help us out with the task a few months early. Sean took the news in stride. I spent most of the day freaking out about the state of destruction that I was convinced laid underneath as I saw my rose bushes peeking out almost smashed to the ground.
Sean got home and got to work on it...and I'm left with this outside my kitchen window...
And that's all the excitement from around here today.