I am especially happy for Friday since it means the end of a busy week. I've been meaning to share a few little things for the last several days, but never got to them so it here it is all in one random post.
I restocked on writing utensils around here. I'm probably the only one obsessed with finding the perfect things to write with, but in case I'm not I figured I share...
I finally found very favorite pens...perfectly rolling, not-too-thick & not-too-thin.
One of my scrapbook necessities pens for journaling...which are the antithesis of proper acid-free-ness, but I love them anyway.
Then there are the best highlighters for when you've been reading as much thick school stuff as I have been lately.
Oh and what I write most often with...my trusty favorite pencils.
I have left these happy green boxes open all week before I send them off to me niece and my sister this weekend...I am officially having way too much fun thinking of little holiday packages.
I cleaned out the fridge and freezer this morning thinking that it might be nice to cook something for the first time in a week...although Mac's been in heaven living on pasta with butter & cheese every night...seriously he's disappointed when I cook because that means he doesn't get his favorite meal.
So in my freezer excavation I discovered a ton of saved up breadcrumbs. I throw all our leftover bread, rolls and crackers into the food processor and freeze them. So that discovery helped me officially decide I'll make meatloaf for dinner tonight