Mac learned "highs and lows" at his Dad's house...his aunt's family goes around the table sharing their best and worst moment from the day and Mac has been know to initiate it around here.
So in honor of him since he's been at his Dad's this weekend here are my highs and lows...
High: Mac wasn't here this weekend
Just kidding...couldn't help but make that joke. :)
Okay now seriously...
High: Thursday night was mom and my sister surprised me with a bouquet that duplicated the one I held at our wedding...we had good friends take a few photos for us and they went above and beyond just doing us a favor...and most importantly it was so wonderful to get to stand up there with Sean...
And Mac wore his brand new birthday gift yellow skinny jeans for the occasion...I did say my wedding colors were navy and yellow.
Low: I received an e-mail from school stating the class I was most looking forward to taking this fall has been canceled...I had been questioning my plans for this semester anyway so now I'm trying to figure out what I'm exactly going to do before school starts in two weeks
High: I received an e-mail stating that I was nominated as one of the best creative blogs in Orange County...

Low: Our bedroom is a mess
I am so horrible about doing anything around the's always my idea but then I'm the one who gets frustrated when everything isn't done ten minutes after it's started. Thankfully about an hour after I took the photos a fair amount of this was straighten up. Thanks also to Googling "getting rid of paint smell" the candle I lit and the bowl of vinegar has made the room much better even if it's not done quite yet.