1. I was alerted that my Google Reader feed wasn't working (thank Jen) and now I seemed to fix it by posting everything from the last couple weeks all at once...sorry about that.
2. I have a headache...nothing horrible since I am used to living my life resigned to the darn things...still annoying though as I try to get stuff done.
3. Had dinner together again...leftover spaghetti...this time we were all grumpy...not quite as wonderful as yesterday.
4. Sean's parents arrive tomorrow morning...I have managed to leave the rest of the house alone.
5. Except than mantle...I HAD to do something with it.
6. These were randomly growing in our currently barren backyard so they had to come inside to make me happy...
7. My gerontology class has done a wonderful job of freaking me out about getting old. Not in a bad way though...more like an empowering realization that we really need to prepare for this stuff.
8. Tomorrow night we're having dinner here...I've been thinking about hot dogs and onion rings all week.
9. In case you were wondering my mom has a tree with the best lemons ever in the history of the universe. Mac isn't feeling well and asked for tea with lemon and honey tonight which meant a trip to my mom's (0.7 miles away) for a couple...she sent them home with eight.
10. My grad school statement of purpose is done. I'm going to sleep on it and then add it to my application tomorrow. As I said in an e-mail to my sister-in-law yesterday that my goal was something "memorably endearing and strikingly articulate" hopefully I accomplished that. Regardless I cannot wait to hit that submit button tomorrow.