1. I was going to title this post, "The Sunday night post on Tuesday" since I never posted anything on Sunday night. However it occurred to me that since it's Tuesday that means it's time for a list.
2. I last had the stomach flu about 13 years ago...I still remember laying on the hand-me-down couch in my cinder-block apartment by myself and wanting to die.
3. That was until yesterday.
4. I lost an entire day of meaningful existence...it was replaced by an inordinate amount of sleep and pathetic moaning.
5. However I also lost four pounds...a silver lining on that deep, dark cloud of nauseousness.
6. If I had posted on Sunday night I would have excitedly shared this...
7. We spent time in the newly arranged backyard after we had a little Father's Day dinner for Sean.
8. We had June Bug drinks in canning jars.
9. The backyard is my new favorite room...I had planned on spending a couple of hours on the longest day of the year out there, but we all know what happened to that idea.
10. Okay...back to work...I have my first article to prepare for this week.