1. I keep thinking about Mac being gone as just one really long weekend at his Dad's.
2. And it means I can cook everything he doesn't like....and we can watch TV while we eat dinner...and I have an extra hour in my day since I'm not his taxi this week.
3. Can you tell I'm trying to be positive?
4. One thing I'm sincerely happy about is while he's gone I can plan for fun things to when he gets back...there is definitely a growing Twelve Days of Christmas plan around here.
5. Another thing I'm sincerely happy about is the e-mail I got this morning telling me I could watch the bow of the ship on a webcam which is something I would have never known (thanks again Jennifer).
6. Christmas cards are beginning to arrive around here...which means I'd better start on getting some out of here. I started the "maybe I'll use this stuff" pile on Sunday night...
7. I took that pile and made half a dozen rejects today...and one that looks promising.
8. A major goal this year is to make sure the card doesn't have two dozen steps like last year.
9. When Sean saw the "maybe I'll use this stuff" pile he asked with fear in his voice, "Are we going to use all those stamps?" Clearly he know me too well. (but no we are not)
10. And speaking of stamps I made little order last week and have an extra "hello" stamp to share...please leave a comment and I'll do a random drawing tomorrow evening...